Monday, May 26, 2014

The Preparation Continues

 The preparation continues:

A correction to my previous post, Denis handed in his resignation not his resume.

On May 10 we took the truck & trailer and headed to Peace River and then Grande Prairie to visit family, the trip was good but Denis decided that the brakes & drums on the trailer needed to be replaced. He bought the parts in Clairmont and started on the task the Saturday of the long weekend, it went well and now we have good stopping power. I was busy working on the census for the City and have continued with that, I now have only 18 households left to visit.

Denis continued scrubbing, sanding and polishing the outside of the trailer and we took it to the RV/Truck wash to do the roof, very expensive but he was happy with the result.

 We have added a shelf in the closet and some hanging pockets to increase our storage space, also a bracket to hold my bike.

Time is flying and still lots of small things we plan to do.

We are having a little get-together on Sunday before our departure on Monday, June 2. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Well Denis handed in his resume for April 30, he's officially re-retired. We have a lot to do to be ready for our June 2 departure date. 

Denis is removing the partially peeling decals and polishing the outside of the trailer, as well as replacing bearings, etc. He installed a new propane regulator that automatically switches to the second tank when the first is empty. He's also checking the truck for possible trouble spots. I have been busy replacing the curtains in the trailer, if it's to be our home for months we need something we like.